Wednesday 22 October 2014

Healthy Substitutes Of Sugar

Sugar has been an important part of the diets of many. However, the health risks of high levels of sugar consumption have led to the increase in the number of new alternatives. The main aim is to derive the sweetness of sugar without its harmful properties. Several types of sugar substitutes and alternatives are now made available in the market.

It is important to know the benefits and types of alternative sweeteners. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle involves knowing what ingredients to add to different recipes. One also needs to know of the different products in the market. In terms of sugar substitutes, they can be artificial and natural. Starting a sugar free diet needs careful planning and consideration.

Healthy natural sweeteners are a more popular choice. They are extracted from nature ad do not pose any health risks. Most people choose natural sweeteners more often as compared to artificial varieties. The speculations around the effect of artificial sweeteners cannot be specifically defined. However, they have several benefits and are just as useful in healthy diets as natural substitutes. Among the list of artificial sweeteners are aspartame, sucralose, cyclamates, saccharin etc. Artificial sweeteners, being sweeter than natural sugar are used in lesser quantities in food preparations. This reduces consumption levels dramatically.

When looking for a substitute of sugar, one can also opt for natural alternatives. Among these are low calorie sweeteners that help maintain weight while adding a rich taste to the food. Honey and date syrup are two commonly used natural substances. These are easily available and make for great sweet treats. The easy availability is one of the charms of natural substitutes. Other products like maple syrup are also used in desserts of the sugar free category.

Click on the following link for simple tips of choosing sweeteners